Your business is never too small to be targeted

The growing use of digital technologies across small businesses means there is an increasing risk of cybersecurity threats. There’s never been a better time to make sure your business and customer information is protected.

Contact your local Business Hub to discuss a cybersecurity solution that’s right for you.



Why choose Spark as your security partner? 


Expert support

Our IT Partners provide expert cybersecurity solutions. They’ll work with you to find the level of security your business needs and tailor a recommendation that works for you.

End to end solutions

Off the shelf or custom tailored end to end security. Our IT Partners will help protect your small business from digital threats with a range of cybersecurity solutions.

Small business focus

Spark IT Partners are small business focused. Speak with your local Business Hub today and get the tools, visibility and control you need to manage risks before they impact your business.

Why is cybersecurity important?


The advancement of the digital world has created great opportunities for businesses, with new vendors becoming increasingly accessible. While this is undoubtedly a good thing, it’s not without risk. Keeping tabs on your cyber security vulnerabilities should be a priority to protect your small business.

Here are some key things to consider when planning your cybersecurity.


Get the basics right

It can be tempting to seek the latest innovations and products, but the basics are just as important. Use unique passwords that contain a mixture of characters and, where possible, use two-factor authentication.

Update software

Keep your software and applications up to date. Vendors continually enhance their products to maintain the integrity of their security. Keeping yours up to date will ensure your business is protected with the latest patches.

Device and software protection

Install an antivirus software and scan for viruses regularly. Any device that connects to the internet is at potential risk from cyber threats. An antivirus acts as the first line of defence and significantly reduces the risk of attacks.

Set up a firewall

Firewalls are a barrier between a private internal network and the public internet. It monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic, as per your business security policies.

Asset management & identification

Knowing what devices and software platforms are part of your organisation’s network is important. This allows you to identify any gaps or high risk areas in your security plan.

Have a disaster recovery plan

Create a recovery and continuity plan to allow your business to minimize the impacts of a potential security breach. This will help keep your organisations most critical infrastructures running.

Check out our Cybersecurity Awareness Month video series

Dive into our video series, where we illuminate key considerations for business leaders and cybersecurity professionals aiming to enhance their cybersecurity.

Watch the video series